Pinterest is a social media and image-sharing platform that allows you to save and share images and videos as pins and as collections on virtual boards. You can also create your own pins that can inspire other people on the platform.
Additionally, although Pinterest is primarily used for personal purposes, it can also be a useful tool for businesses and educators to target audiences. This is why many people have been asking online how to see when someone saved a pin on Pinterest and how to see when a pin was created.
There are many reasons why Pinterest users would like to find out the time and date their pins were created and pinned, no matter if they are running a personal or business account on Pinterest. For example:
Luckily, Pinterest notifications make it easy to see when someone saved a pin on Pinterest. On the other hand, Pinterest doesn’t show the creation date of a pin. However, Pinterest certainly stores this data. It’s just not visible on your profile; instead, you need to dive into the page source code of your pin to find out when it was created.
But we’ll go step by step. First, we’ll explore how to see when someone saved a pin on Pinterest, as well as when a pin was created.
As we mentioned, finding when someone saved a pin is easily found on Pinterest.
To find out this information:
Now that you know how to find when a user saved a pin, let’s explore how to find the date when a pin was created.
Below, you’ll find out how to tell when someone pinned something on Pinterest, whether that someone is you or another Pinterest user.
Note: You should perform the steps below on a PC or Mac.
It’s that easy! Although the code looks intimidating, finding out the creation date of your pins is just a few clicks away.
Note: If you want to find out the dates for other pins, go to your Created tab and go through your pins one by one, repeating the above steps for each pin.
Yes, you definitely can! You can use the same steps to find out when any pins on Pinterest were created, regardless if they are your pins or someone else’s. The method described above will let you see when any pin on Pinterest was published.
If you want to learn more tips about Pinterest, continue reading about how to enable dark mode on Pinterest - MacBook.