
Explore different Discord features by checking out our transparent and easy-to-read guide posts. We offer numerous how-to articles on the popular VoIP platform. Also, we share understandable explanations on the meaning of certain things on Discord - the ones you perhaps did not know of.

How to Link PS4 and PS5 to Discord

How to Link PS4 and PS5 to Discord

1 year ago / 3 min read / Messaging / Discord

Exciting news for gamers around the globe! Discord, one of the most popular apps for communication, and Sony PlayStation have teamed up for a new coll...

How to Stream HBO Max on Discord

How to Stream HBO Max on Discord

1 year ago / 7 min read / Messaging / Discord

You are wondering whether it is possible to stream HBO Max on Discord without a hitch. The answer is YES. But, before we start explaining the steps, w...

How to Screen Share Disney Plus on Discord

How to Screen Share Disney Plus on Discord

1 year ago / 4 min read / Messaging / Discord

Ever since COVID broke out, keeping in touch with friends, and doing activities you used to do before has gotten extremely difficult. However, since D...